Let's see if we can't increase that by at least 100%!
You could just e-mail Council I suppose, but we won't get to watch you live on the 'net.
You can download the Financial Plan Workbook here.
Just to get you interested, the Budget in Brief section says:
The 2017 Draft Budget proposes an overall property tax increase of 3.0%, with 2.0% to fund municipal operations and 1.0% to support funding for asset renewal. Operational savings achieved in prior years are still being realized in this budget despite higher levels of activity.
Official Community Plan related activity in the town centres and the natural renewal of aging housing stock in single family neighbourhoods are contributing to the changing face of the community. Organizational pressures continue to be managed as construction activity continues, several large projects are underway and we make further investments in our parks, recreation and transportation services.
The 2017 operating expenditures, totalling $152.3 million, reflect these circumstances. Maintenance, renewal, and expansion of capital assets are achieved through a $49.2 million capital budget. The District’s long term funding strategy balances the costs of the District’s current and future operations with its revenue sources and financing opportunities.Here are some numbers. Although lacking in detail, they do sketch out a picture of how you spend nearly $265 million dollars.
You can go here to see the Statement of Financial Information (SOFI) which includes audited financial statements and information (to 2015) about:
- remuneration paid to the mayor and council (Roughly $100K and $40+K respectively for 2015) (If someone sends me the 2016 numbers I'll update this)
- salaries paid to District employees over the threshold amount of $75,000
- amounts paid to suppliers of goods and/or services to which we paid more than $25,000
I'm sure most of Council would love to hear your ideas for sensible, politically feasible, and popularly acceptable income and spending improvements. Keep in mind that lot of the budget items - things like policing and services passed through by the regional government - really aren't negotiable.