Sunday, November 27, 2011

The Secret of Success

Don Bell and Darrell Mussatto have enjoyed tremendous success in their political careers. What accounts for their success? Are there lessons that aspiring politicians can learn from them? Will Bell’s experience as Mayor of the District of North Vancouver and Liberal MP for North Vancouver make him a good fit on City Council? A potential candidate for Mayor in 2014?
Mussatto was elected to a third term with a 74% majority. Will this latest victory give him renewed enthusiasm for the job? Will he go on to rival the late Jack Loucks who served as Mayor of the City for 18 years?
It will be fascinating to watch the dynamic between these political titans over the next three years.


sue lakes cook said...

Oh please = where is the bucket?

Anonymous said...

Name recognition? Name recognition, Name recognition!

CNV Council Watch said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

It will indeed be interesting, trusting that Don will indeed be an independent voice. The City needs a new Mayor without a doubt, probably the best chance will be from within Council.

Anonymous said...

How many voters watching Darrell's performance at Council tonight and once again losing his cool, will regret their vote? And once again espousing wrong information (this time about coach houses).

Anonymous said...

I watched the Council meeting
and was disgusted by the decision
on the Coach House deck, and the
anger Mussatto displayed.A few neighbours were content, but didn't
even have the accurate content.Well
Most neighbourhoods would not be happy with the proposal of a 450 sq. ft.deck when the guidelines indicate
40 sq. ft.

Anonymous said...

Bill Bell's forecast came true already at last night's meeting:

My good back stabbing friend, his worship Darrell Mussatto, deserves to be reelected, but he does not deserve to have control of the majority of votes on council. If he loses majority, he will either become one the best Mayors the City has seen or his nasty side will come out from behind the grin and he will not make it past the next election. The choice will be his.

Three more years!! If he worked for a private company, h.r. intervention would be called in.

Pam Bookham said...

Excerpt from staff report entitled Coach House Implementation: Bylaws
from the March 1, 2010 Agenda:

In 2008, Council formed a Coach House Community Working Group...Working approximately 18 months, the Group considered this matter in considerable depth, held Open Houses to receive public input and prepared a Guideline proposal. At that time, there were four items that the CHCWG could not come to consensus upon. These included the maximum number of units (2 vs 3); maximum floor area; height; and approval process.

Anonymous said...

Yes, but his Worship would like

Going to be Ghetto looking
laneways, as anything is passed.

Anonymous said...

The lane ways look pretty ghetto as they are, what with garbage strewn about, old cars parked in lanes, white plastic 'garages' at every other house, deteriorating fences and sheds...

It's be great if lanes were used for more than garbage collection and dumping your unwanted furniture.

Anonymous said...

Judging by the comments made by Mary Trentadue and Bob Fearnely to justify their support of the coach house with a deck five times larger than the 80 sq. ft. maximum recommended in the design guidelines , it's a good thing neither will continuing on council.

According to the NSNews,

... outgoing Coun. Mary Trentadue noted that none of the immediate neighbours were in council to object, and added that most non-professional consultations were flawed.

"What happens on that doorstep can be very different two weeks later. It's unfair to expect any different," she said. "It is a mess, but it's a mess we created. We have to do the best we can with the evidence we have."

"I can't deal with what might be an opinion out in the neighbourhood," agreed Coun. Bob Fearnley, also attending his last meeting. "I can only deal with the opinions I see before me. None of the next-door neighbours came forward and that speak volumes to me."

The plans were approved by a 4-3 vote.

Apparently, it's okay to withhold critical information from the public and change the plans after gathering support from the neighbourhood. This is called bait and switch. Adherence to policies and design guidelines does not matter. Apparently, anything goes unless council is inundated with emails of dissent and the chambers are full of protesting citizens. That's a hell of a way to manage the growth of the city.

Anonymous said...

Actually, anything goes sometimes even if the gallery is full. Pretty strange behaviour, what's the point of an ocp or guidelines, or ?? Need more black and white rules.

Anonymous said...

Fearnley voted to get revenge on being left off the Community Association slate. He blames them for his defeat.

Anonymous said...

I agree it was Fearnley revenge.Shows his true character.

Anonymous said...

I find it interesting that none of the people newly elected, or re-elected for that matter, placed adds in the papers thanking the electorate who took the time to vote for them.

Anonymous said...

Thank the voters? It is the voters who should be thanking the candidates for offering to serve the public for three years.

Anonymous said...

Really? Provincial and Federal candidates thank the electorate? Why shouldn't the municipal candidates? Seems a little ungrateful to me. The electorate gets to thank them each year with our payment of taxes - I'd think that's plenty of thanks.

John Sharpe said...

This is a very good point. In previous Municipal elections I have often seen 'Thank you ads' in local papers from successfully elected candidates and even from those who ran and did not win.

Even if successful candidates are not required to Thank publicly it is a nice gesture.

Perhaps this time around none of those elected felt it necessary to Thank anyone because they were all re-elcted. Don Bell was essentially re-elected as was Buchanan but, you would think at least those two would have placed Thank you ads. You can bet MCcCauley, Gilmour, Qureshi, Park, Dahl, Pringle, Binion, Polly, and many others would probably be very Thankful at this time.

Those elected are not 'volunteers' and are here to serve the public, not the other way around. If they do a good job depending on your view, then after their 3 year terms they deserve to be thanked.

To say we the Voters should be thanking the candidates for having elected them is ludicrous.

Anonymous said...

Thanking the candidates after a successful term is usually done by re-electing them.

John Sharpe said...

Also a good point. According to the 17 - 21% who voted most incumbents were thanked and that's our democracy fortunately or unfortunately.

Anonymous said...

Excerpt from Gregor Robertson's inauguaral speech:

"Suzanne Anton said it very well a few weeks ago, when she said that politics is anything but a thankless job. There's a real reward in making a positive difference for your neighbours, and for the city.

But I know there's sacrifice as well. To our outgoing elected leaders - you've given this city a tremendous gift: your time, your dedication and the very best of yourselves. And to all of you, on behalf of the city, thank you."

Read more:

Don Bell said...

For the information of Anon Dec 2 6:59pm and John Sharpe Dec 3 2:20pm, who both must have missed it, my "Thank you" ad did appear.

For the record, I booked a "Thank you!" ad on Monday Nov 21 for the NS News, and it appeared in the first available issue (Friday Nov 25), on Page A7 (across from the Editorial Page).

I always respect those who take the time to vote, and particularly (and obviously) appreciate those who choose to vote for me.

I have enjoyed the last three years back in the private sector, and now I am also looking forward to again being able to participate directly in and contribute to the local government process in the community I live in.

Also for the record, I stand by my commitment to be an independent voice on City Council. I will also try to live up to former City Mayor Jack Louck's favourite phrase "It's better if you can agree to disagree without being disagreeable".

Don Bell
City Councillor

Anonymous said...

We're glad you're there Don and look forward to your independent voice and concern for the livability of our little City.

John Sharpe said...

Apology to City Clr. Don Bell for having missed his Thank you ad.