An open letter to the District of North Vancouver mayor and Council:
I find it strange that all of council expressed concern about the low voter turnout in the recent municipal election, but the actions of this council over the past few years has been getting more negative towards the residents with respect to credible communication and input into district matters. read more...
Throughout the November campaign this lack of transparency was vehemently denied by all incumbent candidates.
They were all bragging about how available they all are to the public.
The public should not have to SEARCH for council meeting dates and agendas. They should be provided via the local press as they always have been until council decided otherwise.
Like frogs put into a pot of water and heated up slowly, the majority of DNV citizens' apathy will kill this community.
No, the community will go forward and be shaped by those that decide to participate.
The majority will just follow along and take the decisions of others without inputting.
Norgate Park Community Association
Mr. David Knee, President
1225 Alderwood Place
North Vancouver, B.C.
V7P 1K2
(T) 604-980-3863
Mr. Knud Hille, Vice President
I haven't met either of these guys, however I know for fact that they are trying to preserve our livability in the DNV.
They're preserving their version of livability. "Livability" is a very subjective thing.
The word "subjective" does not take an adjective.
English 100
Studies have shown that 80 percent of all volunteer work is being done by only nine percent of the population.
I think that could help explain voter apathy in the District. Why should DNV care about what an engaged minority of citizens want when the vast majority does not give one hoot?
I've known both Messrs. Knee and Hille for several years and consider them good friends. They work hard for the community and do a good job.
I thought David's letter in the NS News was one of the best I've read in several years and is spot on in its analysis of the present situation.
Mayors clash with Victoria over TransLink
Province rejects request for municipal auditor to have oversight of transit
By James Weldon, North Shore News January 25, 2012
A bid by the Lower Mainland's mayors to use B.C.'s new municipal auditor to get a peek behind TransLink's closed doors has been stymied by the province. For now, anyway.
In a Nov. 9 letter on behalf of the Metro Vancouver Mayors' Council on Regional Transportation, District of North Vancouver Mayor Richard Walton asked Premier Christy Clark to bring the billion-dollar transit authority "under the eye and umbrella" of the new civic watchdog. The idea would be to "ensure value for public dollars," he wrote.
But in a reply that reached the council last week, Clark's government said no - or, more precisely, not now.
Click on "Clash" for more on this story. Who is watching DNV?
There are many people watching DNV, most importantly John Sharpe, who runs this blog.
There always has been and always will be a small cadre of community involved people.
The majority, unless their "ox is gored", are content to leave political participation in the hands of those few that are interested.
The direction of what our community will look like in the future will be mainly guided by a very small part of the general population and, sadly, that is perfectly OK with the majority.
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