Sunday, April 21, 2013

North Shore News Columnist offers his take on the Election race in North Van-Seymour

It's time for a change so study up


Anonymous said...

VANCOUVER (NEWS1130) – The BC Conservatives have had to replace their candidate in North Vancouver Lonsdale.

The party says Jeff Sprague is no longer running due to an “unfortunate personal incident.”

News1130 has learned a man by the same name was picked up for impaired driving after the man hit a parked car on Thursday in North Vancouver.

The party says Sprague has stepped down, and his replacement will be named shortly.

Isn't the deadline for nomination papers and 100 signatures tomorrow?

Anonymous said...

Well, it's only 75 signatures, but I'm not sure that's really the issue right now.

Anonymous said...

It is if the BC Cons want a candidate.

Anonymous said...

I read the Carolan view from the left in the NSN. He's nothing if not predictable. Musings from the kind of guy you'd try to avoid at a party.

Surely the good working folk of Seymour will have the good sense to avoid the socialists and their ilk.

Anonymous said...

Seems to me "the good working folk" of Seymour would want an MLA like Jim Hanson to represent them in Victoria.

Anonymous said...

Maybe if he was sailing under a different flag!

Anonymous said...

I get tired of hearing the same old reason fro the NDP not being the better choice because of " what happened in the 1990's". That is history and it's time to unstick from the past. The party has a new outlook and new leadership. No 'party' is perfect and perhaps democracy would be better served with 85 indepedent MLA's, but we all know that isn'tgoing to happen and the Liberals don't deserve to be re-elected.

Anonymous said...

Just the policies of the NDP should be good enough reason not to vote for them, never mind there track record.

Griffin said...

Anon 7:42, you can't change the spots on a leopard, and at their very heart, the NDP is basically the same party as before with the same philosophy...redistribution of wealth, pander to the teachers and other strong unions, and basically tax the rest of us to the hilt or incur huge deficits that we'll have to pay off somehow with....ta da...higher taxes.

It's voters who are willing to trust that they've somehow changed that will give us another NDP government for four years and leave us with a mess that another government will have to come in and clean up. And what a scary thought that is.

Anonymous said...

Griffin 10:17...and you sir sound like you've quoted Christy Clark verbatim as well as being brainwashed.

Griffin said...

I beg to differ. Those are my words and just because I don't believe in "Tricky Dix", you dare to call me brainwashed??? Are you the one who is brainwashed for trusting HIM???

Anonymous said...

I posed some questions for the Candidates in North Van/Seymour, and Hanson was the only one who did not answer. That tells me a lot.