In her letter to the North Shore News editor, Leslie Myers asked many questions about the development of this site. Question number #2 asks about earth quake stability on alluvial land. She may have been on to something. Leslie Myers letter.
North Vancouver's own political BLOG dedicated to North Vancouver's political players and the decisions that shape our community.
This was already discussed the first time this letter was posted on July 9, 2012.
Also, what is the basis for your first paragraph? What are your sources, or are you just speculating? Are you so intimately familiar with the process of tower construction to be qualified to make assumptions about what is going on with the project?
Cutting and pasting old content isn't going to do much to revive this blog, John.
It is not "old content" that the construction has stopped and all heavy vehicles have been removed from the site. It is shut down.
This is not old content and not copy/pasted. Only the letter as a reference to a point that may have some weight.
And there is no 'revive', only a 'continuance.' I invite you to become a poster of main topics or are you just here to complain?
Reminds me of the "leaky condo" scenario throughout BC that actually rears its ugly head until today.
Nobody ever took responsibility: Engineers, architects, contractors, realtors, etc....and politicians for this debacle.
If this project cannot be built as accepted by all the stakeholders including taxpayers, who will be found culpable? Nobody, but we will pay.
I actually talked to Mark Sager today at the Lynn Valley Centre where he has set up an 'open house' for Lynn Valley Bosa Proposal and he said, (re: Seylynn)that the reason there is a work stoppage is because they are waiting for a foundation permit from District Hall. They had an excavation permit, but not a foundation permit just yet.
So the site sits idle for weeks in good weather and good old boy Mark Sager has a realistic explanation......
So they're waiting for a permit. How does that translate to what was hypothesized in John's original post?
This whole thing smells very fishy. I don't believe for one second that they're waiting for a permit.
Why not? Building projects have to wait for permits all the time.
"If this project cannot be built as accepted by all the stakeholders including taxpayers, who will be found culpable? Nobody, but we will pay"
Culpable? They have approval to build it as it is currently designed, if some major geotechnical issue cannot be overcome then a new design would have to be submitted. If it fits within the current zoning then they would only need to come to council a development permit. The only financial exposure the district has is that if the project were downsized the amenity contributions would be expected to be scaled as well.
Amazing how many people that are really clueless about the constriction process are so quick to comment with conspiracy theories and other nonsense.
The engineers' reports were approved by DNV council before the building permit was issued.
Engineering reports are an ongoing issue throughout the projects. As different milestones are achieved, the reports are reviewed by the building inspector, and he approves them... not council.
Check out the new North Shore News website. The Leslie Myers letter is top of the list on its website for recent viewing. Very interesting since this letter is over a year old.
Actually it's at the top of the list for 'most read'. That does not mean that it has been read recently. If you go to the 'most recent' tab, it doesn't appear.
You're right, it appears on the "most read" list. It is very interesting that it has appeared on this list, and remains there, since this post.
It means that people rarely read the letter to the editors online...
Yes. And that's all it means. It doesn't mean that everyone who reads it agrees or disagrees with the letter.
But it does mean that they have read the letter.
DNV wants this development to go through - it'll anchor the (re) development of the entire area, and they get good $$ for the work that needs to be done to remediate traffic in the area. SO they'll not hold up a permit unless there's a problem. Therefore one can only assume there's a problem
Who's saying any permits are being held up? Are you speculating or has the DNV actually announced a delay?
So what have we determined so far?
They have begun preliminary construction of some residential towers in Lynnmour and we have no idea whether or not they are proceeding on schedule and what, if anything, is impeding progress, if progress is being impeded at all.
Broader topics not focussed on one NV neighbourhood:
upcoming transit funding vote;
bicycle lanes and traffic;
smart metres;
public sector and crown corp salaries;
tanker traffic, etc, etc, etc,
Pulleeeeeeeeze post something that is inclusive of most residents not just one neighbourhood.
The participation here is indicative of topics of very limited interest.
I saw backhoes working on the site yesterday. Much ado about nothing?
What a completely useless topic
Wanna know where the water table is? Just look at all the water that pools into a lake on the grounds next to the Phibbs bus exchange.
Well, given that a large construction crane was erected this week and lots of other heavy equipment is moving about, I'd say that the naysayers' claims that there is trouble in paradise are way off base.
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