Monday, September 28, 2015

Links added to all the Candidates in North Vancouver and North Burnaby Seymour

Websites to the candidates for the major parties in the October 19th Federal General Election may be found at the top of the political links.

There is a list of 'All-candidates meetings' on page A11 of the Sunday, September 27 issue of the North Shore News.

For those of you who may not know there is a 'Digital-Edition' link of the North Shore News at the top left section of the Main Page of the North Shore News


Anonymous said...

Check out Carleen Thomas's website and see a fantastic picture of Stephen Harper speaking to the UN.

Anonymous said...

The picture has been removed from her website. It was a shot of Stephen Harper addressing a room of empty seats at the UN. The reporters were out in front, but at least 95% of the seats were empty.

Anonymous said...

So the Prime Minister spoke to reporters in a large room and some seats were empty. This is huge!

Griffin said...

I guess they haven't been to Ottawa and witnessed Question Period "first-hand." Most of the MPs have disappeared by the time it takes place. So all the MPs who have stayed behind are moved to other seats behind the (pre-determined) speakers and voila! it looks like the place is full. All parties do it. It's an interesting maneuver and nobody but those who have been there know that it happens.

Griffin said...

Another thought...BC Place is half empty when the Lions play so does that mean that nobody is interested in football?

Anonymous said...

Is there an actual country wide federal election coming?

You wouldn't know it in the District of North Vancouver where lawn signs and vusible supporters of whatever party stripe are next to invisible save for the Claire Martin zealots. This echoes the performance of Elizabeth May in Parliament who, in my opinnion, is one of the few MPs actually earning her money.

BTW I am NOT a Green Party member or supporter.

Anonymous said...

No shit. Your inappropriate use of the word zealots gave you away. If that's how you classify people who vote differently from you, you need to give your head a shake. It's one thing to hold differing views but it's quite another to be nasty toward your fellow citizens who have a right to support whichever party they chose.

Anonymous said...

Some people's 'inappropiate nasty' is other people's descriptive.

Differing views.

Anonymous said...

"No shit. Your inappropriate use of the word zealots gave you away"

Honestly, I don't at all understand your thinking.

Gave me away? What was 'given away' ?

Did you not READ the post? IT included a compliment to Elizabeth May ( a party leader whose party I would not vote for), but that was just a sidebar. The post was about how little real acivity and interest there is in North Vancouver. Tonight I was approached in front of my house by supporters of Andrew Saxton. Judging by the sober faces, I didn`t exactly regale them with my account of how I was sitting having lunch outdoors at Lonsdale Quay. My wife was with me, and I noticed activity on the Shipyards dock just out of clear view. Pulling out my trusty bird binoculars, I swore to her that it looked like Stephen Harper over there.

But hell, that couldn`t possibly be because NOBODY ELSE ( for the most part ) was on the other dock except a very few photographers and lighting types. Turns out it was an announcement of shipyard contracts by our own PM and really.. if Andrew`s team were on the ball... would not that be a huge opportunity to fly the Conservative flag and gather THE PUBLIC.

Apparently not.

John Sharpe said...

There is an Elections Canada office set up behind the Shoppers Drug Mart on 15th and Lonsdale where you can vote anytime before E-Day.

I decided to vote early and found this election to be one of the more difficult ones. Bill C-51, climate concerns, and a host of other issues. Do I waste my vote? Do I vote strategically?

Anonymous said...

I tried voting strategically in the last provincial election. I believed the bogus polling and media blather. Shame on me. Anyway I did and so I voted Liberal hoping to engineer a minority government. I guess we know how that turned out.