Sunday, October 18, 2015

Little’s attack on former judge Baird-Ellan’s record is “Small” Minded

Mike Little and the Conservatives have created an attack website against NDP candidates Carol Baird-Ellan’s record as a Provincial Court Judge.           Huffington Post Article

It is interesting that by launching the attack website, Mike Little is clearly following the lead of Stephen Harper in attacking the Judiciary (Harper attacked Canada’s Chief Justice after Harper attempted to make an unconstitutional appointment of Justice Nadon to the Supreme Court bench). The Conservatives have a history of knowingly (and against the advice of their own lawyers) passing unconstitutional laws for strictly ideological reasons, only to then waste millions of taxpayers’ dollars unsuccessfully fighting about those laws in the Courts and then blame the Judiciary.

The website lists one line summaries of three of the former judge’s sentencing cases then invites the viewer to push a button that says “that’s unfair”. The website does not give the viewer the option of agreeing with the sentence imposed

The website does not provide any context of the decisions; such as the prosecutor’s sentencing position, the amount of time the accused had already spent in custody prior to sentencing nor any legal precedents the judge was required to follow. The website also mistakenly states that Carol Baird-Ellan was a judge for only five years when in fact she was a provincial court judge for 19 years (during five of which she was the first female chief judge of the provincial court in BC).

Furthermore, Judges, even retired Judges are prohibited from talking about their cases (which I am sure the Conservative campaign team would be well aware of).

I have been a criminal lawyer for 30 years, and have appeared before the former Judge on many occasions. During her career on the bench she had a reputation with both the Crown and the Defence as being a fair judge with a common sense approach to the law. This is no doubt why she was appointed Chief Judge in 2000.

The attack by Mike Little is completely ill informed and “small” minded. It is the kind of knee jerk response to the justice system that people, who have never set foot in a courtroom and watched what judges do, often flout. We should expect more from someone wanting to be a member of parliament.

David Fai


Anonymous said...

No worries. Mike Little is toast. Why on earth would anyone vote for a candidate who does not show up at ACMs and offers no reason for his absence?

Anonymous said...

Mike Little has always been small-minded. During his 9 years on DNV council he was "same-old, same-old" and kept with the status quo regarding development, etc. Nothing new ever from him.

He has no vision, he is not a progressive politician, he is regressive. I'm sure the voters in North Burnaby--Seymour will not elect him.

Anonymous said...

I doubt Mike Little had anything to do with this ad.

Anonymous said...

As I recall, this was discussed and disposed of in the mainstream media and blogs well over a month ago.

Anonymous said...

It's lawyer Fai again. Nuff said.

Anonymous said...

Can you refute what he's saying, anon 8:54pm? Or are you just going to attack the person?

Anonymous said...

This is such OLD news and one wonders why Mr. Fai is now resurrecting it. Does he live in the riding? Is he on the NDP's team???

Given the slant of his posts, I would guess he's a Dipper and is trying to prop up the chances of the NDP candidate...which look like they are fading fast.

Anonymous said...

Maybe old news but the offensive web sight is still on line

Anonymous said...

How is it offensive? She has a public record, and he has a public record. Their public records should be apart of the debate.

Anonymous said...

Because the website is bs! No context, knee jerk/red neck reaction to judicial decisions! Completely unfair and the retired Judge is prohibited from responding to it!

TruLib said...

Willie Horton style politics. Shame.

Anonymous said...

Nah nah nah nah, nah nah nah, Hey Harper Goodbye!
Good for you Canada!

Anonymous said...

The level of maturity demonstrated by Anon 7:48 may account to a great degree for the Liberal victory in this election.

Anonymous said...

So, people can't show their enthusiasm for the results of a fight fairly won? You Cons really don't like people expressing themselves, do you?

Anonymous said...

How do you know it was a Conservative commenting? The NDP were reduced to a rump party once again. If I were one of them, I'd feel rather downtrodden...