Friday, May 12, 2017

Chickens Redux

Get ready to flock down to the District next Tuesday evening for the Public Hearing to discuss Bylaw 8211 – Keeping of Backyard Hens.

Keeping of Domestic Hens Bylaw 8211, 2016
Purpose of Bylaw:
Bylaw 8211 proposes to regulate and allow for the keeping of backyard hens in a safe, humane, and sanitary manner that is sensitive to the needs of neighbouring properties and the environment. The bylaw will permit from two up to six hens in the District of North Vancouver in any of the Single-Family Residential Zones (RS), subject to compliance with the bylaw.

Agenda here
Public Comments here
Report to Council with more information about chicken keeping than you ever thought you would need (132 pages) here.

Tuesday, May 16, 2017
7:00 p.m.
Council Chamber, Municipal Hall
355 West Queens Road,
North Vancouver, BC


Anonymous said...

Not that it really matters, but why would they pick a 33x122' lot with the RS-1 zoning... There are none of those. 33'x122' lots are typically RS-5. RS-1 is usually half acre and larger lots.

I wonder if they will deal with the attractants problem fairly...

Anonymous said... mean like chickens or feed?

Worth looking at the video of 'cougar of the sea' event out at Steveston.

Anyone thinking of keeping chickens in North or West Vancouver needs to have a look at this.
Cougars do wander about in our suburbs and are attracted to prey, which include the rodents that chicken operations undeniably attract.
Cougars cannot be trusted to view a child as anything but a small prey sized animal.

The sea lion was one of those animals habituated to scavenging around the fisherman's wharf.


Anonymous said...

Yes, please get rid of small children and lap dogs. They're cougar and sea lion attractants and endanger the rest of us!

Anonymous said...

Dear sarcastic (lowest form of humour) poster. Reasonable precautions to prevent providing a habitat for rodents and/or predators is an obligation of a civil society. Approving chicken coops on tiny suburban lots is irresponsible.

I would be OK with the scheme for standard depth (120'+) lots with a wide frontage (100'+) so that the concentration of potential feed, manure etc. is reduced and there should be a significant required set back from each neighbour.

Anonymous said...

Your 'reasonable' is another mans 'authoritarian'. Fortunately, you don't get to make decisions for the community. But I'm sure if the democratic process results in anything but your preference on the matter we'll hear nothing but how corrupt the process is.

Anonymous said...

Really? You're "sure" "we'll hear how corrupt the process is"? Not just a wit but a mind-reader that divines the future!

Again you err. I have made numerous decisions for the community and that was, indeed, "fortunate" as you say, but I digress. Enjoy your eggs.

Anonymous said...

Other than the fringe benefits and development opportunities this project comes with some major drawbacks. But some amendments anf adjustment will make this project a success.