Sunday, May 11, 2014

Candidates Wanted: Unite North Van

During the month of May, we are searching for candidates to stand in the election of 15 November.  Unite will be running 2-4 candidates in the City and District.  You only have to commit to one issue, the amalgamation of course.
Unite North Van will form as two Electoral Organizations which gives each candidate the right to be identified right on the ballot as pro-amalgamation. That has never happened in North Van before.  It takes 4 votes on each Council to officially start the process set up by the Provincial Government.
​See our blog post   You can make it happen.


Anonymous said...

What would a candidate gain by joining your group?

Anonymous said...

Guaranteed failure, I suspect.

Anonymous said...

Why would anyone vote for this? The political party you propose would be completely dysfunctional in every other way, but they agree to support an amalgamation motion... Why do you think this would work, and why do you think City residents are that dumb?

Anonymous said...

I don't know if it's fair to say they would be "completely dysfunctional in every other way". They could very be well informed on all issues, but Candidates are going to asked their stance on amalgamation anyway. You could still support amalgamation and run with a full platform. Don't know if I see the full point of the "A' Party. Me thinks it's just to emphasize and perhaps expedite the issue.

Anonymous said...

"...expedite the issue." Right!

Anonymous said...

So, this is just a one issue party? I can't see anyone supporting this.

Anonymous said...

The leader will have to have charisma an get along
with people, a social person.

Anonymous said...

The get George Pringle elected campaign. Not too shabby George.

Bill Bell said...

If it helps to increase voter turnout, then I am for it (not amalgamation) but candidates bringing issues to the electorate that stir debate.

Lee L said...

Why would I support amalgamation?

Why would I wish my influence by voting and writing to councillors be diluted in any way? Why would I want FEWER councillors from where I live and MORE councillors from where I dont live making policy, schemes and pushing agendas. MORE LOCAL CONTROL not LESS.

Anonymous said...

I can see one benefit to candidates in a organized slate, joint ad in the North Shore News. A full page and full colour ad would cost over $4000 but only $500 each for 4 City and 4 District candidates sharing the costs.

$500 would get a 1/4 page ad which could end up anywhere even buried in classifieds at the end.

Anonymous said...

That can certainly be a benefit, but has GP gone and raised that money? He has been planning for this election for three years but has he done any fundraising for joint advertising?

Joint advertising can be good, if you are advertised with a few leading issues, and especially if you are with a few leading candidates. Which begs the question, Is anyone with previous elected experience joining this group? Our will it be a group of longshots?

Anonymous said...

Now that is the question to be determined.. weren't candidates to be named this month?

Anonymous said...

June 1st which is still late now. GP has pulled out if the North Shore News is to be believed...