Tuesday, December 01, 2015

Lynn Valley Mall Re-development is around the corner

Image result for lynn valley mall redesign
 According to a local realtor's November Newsletter, the sales office where the floor plans can be pre-viewed for Building F (the old Library site) and Building E will be opening in January 2016. The sales office will be located where the Loonie Store used to be across from CIBC. One of the amenities the project will boast is Geothermal heat.

This project certainly had its controversy during public hearing stage. The originally rumoured planned structures were as high as 26 or more stories and ended up being paired down about 10. District council seemed to listen to the public opposition in Lynn Valley which was quite strong with many residents feeling the project was out of character with the neigbourhood. A website, Stophighrises in Lynn Valley was created in opposition to the project. At the other end of the rink was the Lynn Valley Community Association who seem to rally very strongly in favour of this development siting a 'dying Mall' that needed rejuvenation.  


Anonymous said...

It's already a mess. I've heard comments that there is nowhere for employees to park. And, many times nowhere for customers to park.

Anonymous said...

But in actual fact John, you miss mentioning that it's not the mall that will be rejuvenated, it's only that there will be
market housing built that will largely be bought by local residents down sizing. The mall itself will hardly change.

Anonymous said...

Never let the truth get in the way of biased reporting...

Anonymous said...

It WOULD help 4:26 if you could tell us what you consider the truth and what is biased reporting and tell us in a context relevant to the topic.

I just couldn't tell if the alleged biased reporting was from another ANON or from John or...???

John Sharpe said...

Yes I too was wondering what 4:26's point of reference was .

Anonymous said...

Yes, parking is a mess. It is not even Christmas rush yet and I am shopping elsewhere because of the lack of parking in the mall. Weekday morning it is already packed. We are going to lose even more parking in the future squeezing by construction and trucks. Hello, Walmort here I come.

Anonymous said...

Interesting to me, with all this 'parking mess' how we were sold on a 'dying mall'. I mean the Zellars space is closed yet parking is full. I wonder what a 'vibrant' mall looks like ?

Anonymous said...

By parking mess, you mean the spots in front of the entrance are taken, right? Because I've been there three times in as many days and have had no trouble finding a spot.

Barry Rueger said...

What I would love to see is some tracking to see how many of the cars parked at the mall are actually shopping, and how many belong to people working in the surrounding neighbourhood, or taking the bus to work in Vancouver.

Somehow the number of people that I see in the mall seems far, far too small to account for the number of cars.

In related news, the parking at Lynn Valley Village (aka The Library) is going Impark in the New year, with two hours free.

Anonymous said...

Is there any interest in discussing federal politics on this site? Seems like a wasteland after the election. 25,000 Syrian refugees not here by year end, annual federal budget deficits to be higher than promised, where's the pot?

Anonymous said...

Ask our new 'boy prince'. He's never had any problem with money. You need only MANIFEST the money.

Anonymous said...

Oh you meant POT pot not MONEY pot.

My mistake.

Anonymous said...

OK. Speaking of money the dollar hit $.71 today.

When Trudeau was asked, "With the dollar at $.71 can you hold the spending to a $10 billion deficit every year for 3 years that you promised during the election?"

He replied that if he had to go over a $10 billion deficit each year for 3 years then he would.

After all, we have refugees to pay for, additional funding for numerous services, tax cuts, reduction to TFSA contributions, debt financing for infrastructure, important stuff like more money to fight climate change and spend time legalizing pot.

He told the interviewer that, "if Canadians had wanted a balanced budget they would have voted Conservative or NDP."

You know what? He's right.

Canadians voted to drive the country into the hole and that is what we are going to do.

Fasten your seatbelts.

Anonymous said...

12:52 ... and the rest of us aint seen nuthin yet.

You have the Canadidan Dollar ... a petro currency.
You have the 'boy prince' and his cohorts bowing to the UN at COP21 and even trying to make a splash. 1.5 degrees!!!


UP with Arctic seabed drilling Mr. Putin.

John Sharpe said...

Anon 12;04,

Always an interest for us political junkies, the thing is this blog is about local issues(with a certain amount of gray area) and lately there's not been too much interesting stuff happening. Also with the Christmas season people have other things on their mind. Combine that with very few individual postings and it makes for a pretty slow blog.

John Sharpe said...

That said, I wanted to respond to some of the comments of the newly elected government the wrath of which I would expect no less.

I think many Canadians are feeling better about their country's image and have been uplifted since the recent election and that's important and speaks volumes. No one I've talked to has been disappointed about Trudeau's election. I've been a believer in balancing my check book, but there's such a thing as good debt(such as a mortgage) as long as it's managed well. He's not going to deliver on all the promises and maybe we don't want him too, but give him a chance to prove himself and don't bash him just because he's not a Conservative. It was simply time for the previous government to go. They were just.....too un Canadian.

Anonymous said...

Cauliflower at $7.00 a head!! Nuff said.

How about a government that focuses time and money on the Canadians that are here now. Housing for low income folks, single moms, vets. Jobs for our unemployed. It is unbelievable that we don't ramp up for our needy Canadians and the same way that we do for anyone else. We need to extend attention to ordinary Canadians that need a hand up before we try to save the world.

Anonymous said...

You don't understand what Canada is about, do you anon 10:38?

Anonymous said...

Thank you for your inquiry.

Canada is about caring for our less fortunate citizens - those citizens who cannot make ends meet and don't have enough food or adequate shelter. Especially our innocent little children.

Canada is about helping our unemployed gain the skills to enter the job market and enjoy the dignity of employment.

Canada is about showing gratitude for the sacrifice of our veterans and ensuring those that are broken in body or mind are aided.

Canada provides a myriad of opportunity and services to her citizens.

And once Canada has accomplished all of this then Canada should be generous and help, with her surplus resources, non-Canadians to the best of her ability.

Canada is as free and open a country as can be found on the face of the earth.

Anon 10:38, that is my Canada and if you arrogantly think that you understand Canada better then bully for you.

Anonymous said...

What? No responsibility to the citizens of countries in which we Westerners meddle? No responsibility to help the refugees fleeing from conditions we've had a hand in creating? Canada has always helped on an international level. Always. Well, the last ten years have been a bit of a wash, but all the other years. If you think the refugees are receiving anywhere near the levels of financial aid of our own citizens you're sadly misinformed. You can find the information easily on our own government of Canada websites. You can see how little is actually spent on these refugees we've had a hand in creating. And the expense is short term. These refugees that you seem to hate will likely be on their feet in no time, working and contributing to our society. Heck, some of them will probably start their own businesses and even hire some locals.

Your xenophobia and hand-wringing is decidedly not Canadian.

Anonymous said...

And you, my arrogant liberal critic, are apparently the supreme arbitrator of what is, and what is not Canadian? Hmmmm.

For what its worth I view you as a Canadian, albeit one who puts the cart before the horse, but not entirely one to whom I would have the self-importance to attach erroneous labels.

Apparently you do not understand the fundamental obligation of democratic government.

In a democracy government the fundamental obligation of the elected government is to ensure the safety, good and welfare of its citizenry.

A caring government pays particular attention to its most needy citizens. To describe support for this care as xenophobia implies that you don't understand the word or are a very callous person. I hope the former.

I also agree that once government has successfully accomplished its primary obligatory purpose it is appropriate to extend surplus resources to the world's downtrodden.

I tend to agree that foreign meddling by countries or radical movements is inappropriate. That includes us imposing our will somewhere else and somewhere else intending to impose their will upon us. When the stated goal of a foreign power is to extend their authority over our nation I would tend to wrinkle my nose. See World War II.

Finally, you need not leave your familiar surroundings to find hand-wringing. A mirror should suffice.

Anonymous said...

It is a matter of record that the Conservatives admitted approximately 250,000 immigrants and/or refugees per year every year in office. A record 280,687 entered in 2010 well exceeding previous Liberal annual entrees.

Maybe not "Canadian enough"for Anon 7:07 but that makes the grade in my books.

Also, don't get where Anon 7:07 comes up with "hatred". A bit of a leap.

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