Sunday, December 17, 2017

The Last Word

At the end of the day nothing written in the last few weeks has changed my mind, and no-one has stepped up to take over, so I am preparing to let the North Vancouver Politics blog disappear.

If you would like to share some fond memories, now is the time.  Later this month we'll turn off commenting.  Once we've backed up and archived the content, and allowed the Wayback Machine to give it one more capture, we'll put it to rest.

Believe it or not, I actually think that there is merit in preserving what's been posted here in the last few years, and will make sure that happens.    Surely future historians will want to have access to things other than Council minutes and North Shore News archives.


Anonymous said...

The first Barry deleted when he left or maybe John cleaned the slate when he took over nothing exists from the good days so wipe it all out!

Hazen Colbert said...
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Anonymous said...

Aren't you just very special, nuts enough to run with Kerry Morris in the City.

Hazen Colbert said...

Anon 12:23

Please stay on point.

The original post is about the fact the blog no longer serves a purpose. My position is that it should be dismantled in its entirety since it is not objective but rather a shill for the status quo by those with their lips firmly planted on the incumbent's backsides. Your comment proves me right :-)

Anonymous said...

"More seriously Bond, Walton and lawyers for the DNV met with the fellow who does political satire cartoons in the CNV (his name escapes me right now) and he was directed to remove content. When he refused, the RCMP cautioned (threatened) to charge him under Section 301 of the Criminal Code."

Hazen.. Would you be able to let us know from what publication this content was published or removed?

This blog's purpose might well be to provide a place where that kind of information could be viewed and seen. I, for one, was unaware of this kind of sculduggery going on.

Anonymous said...

I'd take it on if I could maintain anonymity. I have no time or interest in tangling with lawyers on a free blog, but if I could keep it going with some modicum of protection I'd be in.

Hazen Colbert said...
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Anonymous said...

Hazen, I'm not sure what kind of protection you could expect. It's a digital world and anonymity is not guaranteed when facing someone motivated to reveal the author of a posting.

I came to this blog during the runup to the last municipal election. There was so very little coverage available of the candidates' history or positions. In fact there was and still is very little coverage of any kind at all let alone balanced coverage.

We can ill afford to lose any free voice in this desert.

Anonymous said...

Anon 3:19, I hope you will consider taking it on and just call yourself "Blog Administrator". It would be great to have an Anon running the blog. Could you ask the former Admins if this is possible?

Anonymous said...

Here's an idea... Why don't you just ban Hazen's IPs? He apparently doesn't want to be here, and is doing his best to destroy this place for others, so why not just ban him? Stopping him from self-harm would clearly be the humanitarian thing to do.

Hazen Colbert said...

I was asked a legitimate question and responded with a genuine answer, with links and annotations to people who could provide additional information.

To have my response deleted is censorship and Fascism, plain pure and simple.

Once people are banned and censored from political expression, then democracy fails. The Charter Section 2 allows me to say, write and post whatever content I want, as long as I do not direct hate to an identifiable category of protected individuals. If you disagree with me, tell it to the judge :-)

BTW banning IPs does not work. I will simply post from the Starbucks on my tablet anonymously :-)

Yes I do not play well in the sandbox. Too bad.

Anonymous said...

Section 2 of the charter protects your public speech from intervention from the government, it does not in any way compel Barry to retain your rantings on this privately owned blog.

Anonymous said...

Most, if not all, of the people on this blog are middle class, and upper-middle class people who own homes, want for not, and never wanted for anything.

I know Hazen. That is not his background. All his life he has championed for those less well to do, and those in need. His disdain for the local council is in part because of what he perceives as an elitist and entitled attitude by councilors and many of the causes they fund. He has questioned the integrity of a Mayor living in a $2.5 million dollar home on a salary of $105,000 per year who refuses to zone land for affordable housing. I agree with him that we should be concerned about the public money spent on the NSMBA, the Capilano Tennis Club and the two golf courses. And that is just a start. These are not municipal services. In contrast the municipal government spends absolutely nothing on affordable seniors housing.

Hazen tells it like it is. He will take on everyone, and has indeed taken on everyone. His court experience with Councillor Bond is but one of a long line of challenges he has made to the status quo. He is not done, not by a long shot.

Hazen Colbert said...

LOL and thanks.

I assure you I am done with the crew at municipal hall and city hall. I am of much greater value than to associate with those merry misfits. I will be in court again but only to seek personal relief not on behalf of the electorate generally.

I had not posted here for many months before Barry announced the shut down. I had not attended or spoken at public input in the DNV since that fiasco with backyard chickens in May.

I posted here only to agree it time to end this blog and any debate about democracy on the North Shore.

Municipal politics on the North Shore are not democratic.

There is no point to blogs like this where genuine information is censored.

Goodbye, have a good life.