Darrell Mussatto
Kerry Morris
George Pringle
Holly Back
John Harvey
Dorothy Anne Bell
Bill Bell
Pam Bookham
Linda Buchanan
Matt Clark
Rod Clark
Via Fearnley
Craig Keating
Amanda Nichol
Joe Heilman
Ron Sostad
Tony Valente
Kathy McGrenara
Iani Makris
Dave Janis
Don Bell
School Trustee
Megan Higgins
Tanya Lahulek
Bill Vasillis Papandreou
Christie Sacre
Erica Warkentin
Antje Wilson
Mary Tasi
Susan Skinner
Richard Walton
Jim Hanson
Mathew Bond
Robin Hicks
Wayne Hunter
Amelia Hill
Glenn MacKenzie
Doug MacKay-Dunn
Lisa Muri
Roger Bassam
Hazen Colbert
Linda Findlay
Kevin Macauley
Connie Deboer
Bobbi-Lynn Nestor
Heather Skuse
School Trustee
Susan Lockhart
Dave Jackson
Edward Desaulniers
Cyndi Gerlach
Franci Stratton
Shane Nelson
Jessica Stanley
Yael Drinkle
Barry Forward
Kelly Muirhead
for whom the bell tolls in the CNV, lol
It is truly amazing that Richard Walton commands such respect when he is soooo out of touch.
Another boring DNV election.
ya what would have happened had he not run?
Other people who didn't look so "supposedly" good in a suit would have run for mayor. He is too slimy and too well connected.
DNV Council (In Order)
Robin Hicks
Roger Bassam
Doug Mackay-Dunn
Lisa Muri
Mathew Bond
Jim Hanson
CNV Mayor
Darrell Mussatto
CNV Council
Don Bell
Linda Buchanan
Pam Bookham
Bill Bell
Rod Clark
Holly Back
If Lynn Valley gets out and votes, I think Glenn MacKenzie has a chance. I'm not so sure about Jim Hanson -- he's way too NDP.
Anon. 2:14
I'm surprised that you think Craig Keating won't be re-elected.
Mathew Bond? your off your rocker. Hunter or Macauley has a better chance.
Hunter, maybe. Macauley - unlikely. Trade unionist didn't fly last time and won't this time either.
Macauley a retired North Van District fireman(Captain)
Don't like candidates who are obviously boosters for unions, developers, or other special interest groups.
Prefer those with more balanced backgrounds and less affiliation with groups that can receive a benefit from council.
With so many school trustee candidates, incumbents will be elected and newbies will take each other out by splitting the vote. It's a shame because this governing body needs to evolve.
Matthew Bond has appeal to the younger and educated voter. He's portrayed himself well and website is impressive. If the younger vote gets out, he may win.
The younger voter won't get out.
Holly Bach wishes to spend 30 million of taxpayers
dollars re Roger Brooks and the waterfront, Really!
Check out her website.
I just flipped through Mathew Bond's website. I didn't see any mention of mountain biking.
Read it again Anon 10:47:00 am. The mountain bike connection is there: Not a leader, but a follower who rationalizes ecological vandalism as good volunteerism.
We may be stuck with Walton for another four years, but we need an entirely new DNV Council that can stand up to the Mayor. It really is that easy.
Look for those who will speak up for the citizens of the District. We need leaders, not followers. We need real change! DNV has been stagnating for the last 15 years.
I'm not sure stagnating means what you think it means....
Stagnating - To stop developing, growing, progressing, or advancing; becoming dull.
Don’t vote for the incumbents
New prediction
CNV Mayor
Darrell Mussatto
CNV Council
Tony Valente
Linda Buchanan
Pam Bookham
Matt Clark
Craig Keating
Holly Back
What? No Bells.
Back, Holly
Clark, Matt
Heilman, Joe
Makris, Iani
McGrenera, Kathy
Valente, Tony
Wayne Hunter was better known, and more active as a volunteer ten years ago. He will probably get 4,000 votes but that won't be enough in this election. Kevin Macauley lost badly last election and he hasn't done anything since then. I suspect he will get 3,500 votes.
Mathew Bond brings a large group of volunteers to bear (Larger than Macauley or Hunter) and has youth on his side unlike all of the other new candidates. He is tied a little too closely to the mountain biking crowd, but Walton is likely to back him for that reason. He's an engineer and works with Ministry of Transportation and Highways. Jim Hanson will get about 5,500 votes which should get him a sixth seat. His previous losses will not hurt him much, but he is a lawyer, and has been building up a team of volunteers.
I would rather see Macauley or Hunter than Hanson, but this is a prediction, not a whisper campaign.
From a December 10th, 2009 article in that MTB rag, NSMB, we find Mathew Bond's "over arching experience in mountain biking politics":
"Matt Bond, nsmbA president, has been involved in the nsmbA since he was 15 years old."
Not much else.
I understand that Keating is Mussatto's brain and Buchanan is his lap dog. Who are the candidates that he has positioned in case either of these two fall?
What kind of website is this where people say what is on their minds - anonymously! If there are things you believe in, and people you believe in, then sign your name and stand up and be counted!
- joy Fai
Welcome to the blog Joy,
We have found that when names are included people resort to personal attacks more frequently. When it is entirely anonymous people tend to float ideas.
Now on to my personal attack, Joy you have countless options for named public debate including NSNews, The Province, Tyee etcetera, yet you want to change us? Is there no room in your world for different types of debate? Why are you trying to make us conform, is it because you are trying to track us?
Why should I have to "stand up and be counted"? That mentality makes us vulnerable to bullying and corruption. A secret ballot system is a cornerstone of our democratic institutions, shouldn't secret debate be as valued and protected? I should be able to air my views without the fear that the Joy Fai gestapo will come and kick down my door in the night and drag my opinions into the light for the whim of the mob.
Go back to Russia comrade.
If anyone on this site wants to contact me regarding what I have been doing or anything else feel free to call.
I did take a step back from 'politics' to evaluate my personal situation and have been spending a great deal of time volunteering with seniors on the Northshore. So regardless of the election outcome I will continue doing that.
And for those of you who are older or have aging relatives I suggest you keep an eye on the programs that are there for the seniors as they are always at risk of collapse. All the key issues in the District whether it is transportation, infrastructure, emergency protective service effect the older demographic in a significant way. So all the best to all the candidates and to you who follow this site and make your comments and predictions I'm all for it as long as you vote. And if possible come out to the 'all candidates meetings' and ask your questions. Have a great day!
Kevin Macauley
Someone should do some research and find the numbers of dollars spent by the DNV on seniors and compare that with the #$ spent on mountain biking in our community. Good work Kevin.
Why should we be spending extra money on seniors? Most of the seniors I know are millionaires taking 3 or 4 expensive trips per year. Young families need more support than seniors.
Yes our community should be accessible for seniors, but when I hear about seniors having movie days and them being subsidized because they aren't willing to pay $5 for the event it makes my blood boil. It is not our public responsibility to protect your child's inheritance, you need to pay your way like the rest of us.
Where are the candidate meetings all posted?
Anon. 12:26
....extra money on seniors,...?
Would you rather the DNV subsidize the mountain biking community than the seniors community? Many seniors on the North Shore live in poverty. The mountain bikers are healthy young people.
"Many" seniors? I bet that 90% of DNV seniors are worth in excess of $500,000. How is that living in poverty?
I am not denying that there is some poverty among some seniors, I am challenging the prevailing notion that the vast majority of seniors need/deserve discounts subsidized by the rest of us.
Why should the rest of us subsidize the mountain bikers? They definitely should pay their own way. ALL OF THEM!
The District of North Vancouver has become the main "Sugar Daddy" for the NSMBA (North Shore Mountain Bike Association) who are, in reality, leaving us with a very damaged public forest in their wake.
$50,000 was given to the NSMBA, this past year alone, via the DNV-NSMBA partnership: "Trails Maintenance Service Agreement". Not to mention past years' funding contributions, and over $200,000 for a parking lot cut into the Fromme Mtn forest, slated for next Spring in DNV's capital budget -- with another parking lot proposed for Fromme at a later date to appease these 1.5% freeriders.
Not only that fact, but the NSMBA is more than amply funded and supported by so many corporations and industry, along some other gullible government agencies who have fallen for the NSMBA's disingenuous "care and respect for the forest environment" mantra. The NSMBA truly rationalizes that they are helping the forest by first eroding it with their extreme and aggressive riding habits, and then "fixing" those trails, over and over.
Better to give these funds to much more deserving sports groups who actually have to "pay to play", and do not scoff at rules, regs, environmental laws and bylaws the way our freeriding mountain bikers do.
DNV should not be giving so much support toward such a destructive off-road "Freeride" sport that only serves 1.5% of the general population.
But the NSMBA will be asking DNV for more support and funding next week. Becoming more akin to "selling the Brooklyn Bridge" to DNV Council, over and over again. What good is a damaged forest ecosystem, anyhow? Damaged "natural capital" only brings us negative revenue, and soon destabilized slopes, perhaps?
Will incumbent Councillors Hicks, Muri, Bassam and MacKay Dunn "approve" the NSMBA's wily plans for more trails and funding, again?
It will be like giving pearls to swine.
It will be interesting to see if the results of the "independent" trails assessment will be available before the municipal election.
Jim Hanson, Hazen Colbert, and Glenn MacKenzie are the only candidates I will vote for. Maybe Macauley.
Were stuck with the acclaimed Mayor and he had better get out and canvass and earn his keep by reminding people to vote. And he'd better be at all the all-candidate meetings as well.
I agree with the anon who says we've been conned if we vote for Bond. We just finished a term with 7 mountain bikers on council. We don't need any more!
Lisa Muri on a mountain bike. Not a pretty picture.
I am amazed that George Pringle accepted NV City Voices' invitation to their Mayoral Debate. This is the group that George has accused of being secretive, illegal, con artists and scam artists. Everything I've heard or seen of them indicates just the opposite. Maybe George is walking into the Lion's Den next Sunday.
Make sure they turn your microphone on, George!
Kerry quit it.
2 all candidates meetings for School Trustees
North Vancouver Teachers' Association All Candidates Meeting
Wednesday, October 29th from 7:00 - 9:00pm at Argyle Secondary
North Vancouver Parent Advisory Council All Candidates Meeting
Thursday, November 6th from 7:00 - 9:00pm in the Sutherland Secondary School Theatre
Meeting to support Glenn MacKenzie at the Lynn Valley Rec Centre at Frederick & Mountain Highway. 3 to 6 pm TODAY.
So was anyone at the Mackenzie event?
I thought Heather Skuse is running for School Trustee in the District of North Vancouver!!!
One DNV Council candidate's "brain" is still fixated on the NSMBA, andadvocating for more NEW MTB trails on Fromme Mtn.:
"Fromme parking open house" (
Mr(Mathew)Bond 10-18-2014 08:31 AM
RE: BP rework
My suggestion would be to formalize a beginner/intermediate connector from the Dempsey Connector to the yellow gate on Mtn Hwy (below Lower Ladies and the big cliffs). That way people could choose to park over on Dempsey, ride this "easy" connector over to Mtn Hwy, head up the gravel road and down Espresso, Dempsey Braemar back to their cars.
Leaves the option open for those who like the BP, but gives an easier option. Not every beginner/intermediate rider necessarily want to become an advanced/expert rider.
We already have a Mayor and incumbents fawning over the NSMBA.
We don't need more...
So run in opposition. Stop whining and do something about it.
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