Wednesday, January 19, 2011

BC Liberal Leadership Candidate George Abbott during a visit to North Vancouver

Video footage from at last night's visit to the Holiday Inn by George Abbott:


Griffin said...

No matter how intelligent this guy sounds, he makes me dizzy with his head bobbing all over the place. And this is the first time that I've seen him actually look into the lens of the camera. I am not sure he is "premiership" material no matter how competent he was in the various Ministries he headed up. Premiers (and in fact anyone in a top leadership position in government) are chosen with an entirely different set of criteria than the underlings who will report or work with this person. I just don't think George Abbott has what it takes. This next election will be somewhat pivotal in that the NDP will likely choose Farnworth as their next leader, and the Liberals have to choose someone with wider appeal and again, that is not George Abbott. There are only two Liberal candidates who I believe are worthy opponents for Farnworth and they are Christy Clark and Mike deJong. None of the others will stand a chance. Abbott is a bobblehead. Falcon is much too far to the right, Stillwell is too far to the bottom, and Ed Mayne is like a mouse propositioning an elephant.

Anonymous said...

This is a form of political hypnotism, nodding "YES, you will vote for me", over and over again. Either that, or all his head bobbing will put one to sleep...