Monday, October 10, 2011

Homelessness Action Week Oct. 10 -16, 2011

Last Monday night at the District regular council meeting there was a delegation from the North Shore Homelessness Task Force. The most recent homeless count on the North Shore was a minimum of 117 and that is actually down from the previous count of 123. According to SPARK, CCPA, and the Public Health Assoc. of B.C. a comprehensive poverty reduction and homelessness plan would cost British Columbians $3-4 billion per year. The cost of doing nothing to fix homelessness is at least $8 billion. Page 62 of the New DNV OCP promises to do a number of things to do with wrestling with poverty in the community such as working with senior members of levels of government.


sue lakes cook said...

How sad that there is now a security guard at John Braitwaite Community Centre because of "incidents" which have taken place there recently.

I recall when I ran for council in 2005 that staff at JBCC said they had found drug needles in the washroom. The sitting area has a very constant and consistant number of "homeless people" hanging out - complete with cel phones and laptops.

Perhaps it is time that the City put some money into a proper rehab center and a facility where homeless people can be during the day time, where they can have a chance of being warm but not threatening to the rest of the community.

By the way you may want to check with the North Vancouver Salvation Army because I think their numbers for homelessness in North Vancouver is much higher then 117 people.

Sue Lakes Cook

Anonymous said...

Rehab is a health issue.

Health resources are the responsibility of the provincial gov't.

Having local gov'ts fund them is a download that the province would love to see and a further burden on the taxpayers.

Anonymous said...

And the fact that sue cook doesn't recognize that fact and is running for mayor should be a warning sign to all voters. If you think taxes are bad now...

Anonymous said...

I'm sure Sue will give us a full costing with her solutions to the many problems she points out.

Anonymous said...

Actually as your new Mayor I can see several places where money could be saved and moved into different areas. One area is the $60,000.00 which is presently being spent on postage.

Interesting how the District of North Vancouver will respond within a day to inquiries by using emails. You may wait for a week to get a reply from the City. When I asked for the budget I told them I would pick it up. Did they listen = of course not. For a cost of $9.00 they sent it to me by Canada Post.

If we were allowed to see what expenses were actually for I am sure we could certainly cut in that area as well. Why would Tollstam who earns $254,186.56 need to have expenses at $10,303.02? Come to think of it, why does Bob Fearnly have expenses at $11,560.53?
I see no reason why the City could not be actively involved in programs for the addicted, in conjunction with the Salvation Army as well as Coastal Health.

Sue Lakes Cook

Anonymous said...

Slow down there Sue. You aren't Mayor yet.

Anonymous said...

That is someone faking being Sue, she would never criticize Bob Fearnley.

sue lakes cook said...

Just came back from the open house regrading homelessness which was at John Braithwaite Community Centre.

I want to congratulate all of those amazing volunteers giving free flu shots, foot treatments, haircuts, eye tests, shoes and clothing, etc. Advocacy groups giving advice on legal, health and nutritional issues, etc. Good to see so many wonderful people willing to give their times and hearts (did not notice any political candidates there!!!!)

There was someone from the West Vancouver Police but no one from the RCMP when I was there.

Still miles to go in terms of homelessness. No proper addiction or mental health facilites for long time care issues, no homeless shelters that seem to be open 24/7

Some alarming figures from the Harvest who serve 1000 people per month. 40% are single moms, but another 40% are new immigrants - why is the government so cruel as to let people in who cannot survive in Canada?

Yes I did criticize Fearnley as his expenses are way over the top. Give credit to Bookham whose total expenses were %565.48

Sue Lakes Cook

Anonymous said...

I find it odd how the homeless can afford a laptop and cell phone? But thanks to the good citizens of the city the homeless can at least enjoy a free internet service that is better than any internet service that the tax payer can afford. The so called homeless with the cell phones and laptops can now run their dial-a-dope services, anonymous cyber-attacks, privacy attacks all from the comfort of the community center. I wonder who is going to be on the hook for any legal liabilities that may result. The politician that thought this was a great idea or the poor tax payer?

Anonymous said...

You must be one of the most ignorant people that have ever existed. I hope you never run for council. On a bright note I do agree with you that some salaries are out of control within local government. But you have no understanding of the positions, culture and questionable hiring practises and therefore or in no position to even have an opinion.

But the comment about cruelty of the government to allow immigrants who cannot survive? Give me a break. Who are you to say? Should we just ignore them and see how they survive the violence they might be experiencing in their country of origin? Wonder how well one survives with a bullet through the forehead?

I know immigrants that arrived in this country a generation ago. It wasn’t easy, one parent worked in a sweat shop the other in the service industry. One salary below minimum wage with no benefits the other minimum wage no benefits.

What did they accomplish?

They ended up owning a home, put 3 children through university and are now retired with enough savings and government pension to take the odd vacation.

How did they do it?

Through hard work, no freeloading, scrimping and saving. To attend university the kids had to have summer jobs to pay for school. No student loans and now all 3 are productive, educated and employed and giving back to the community.

What do you do besides complain?

Anonymous said...


Why not run for city councillor instead? You would have a fighting chance. You narrowly missed it last time you ran.

Anonymous said...

Sue almost decided to run last time.

sue lakes cook said...

That blog about my running for Mayor was NOT done by me. I did not in 2008 nor do I have any intentions at the moment for running for public office.

I will be 65 in January and with any luck I will not even live in North Vancouver by the end of 2012

sue lakes cook

Anonymous said...

Then why, in another post on this blog, did you say you were going to run for mayor, after seeing George Pringle had thrown his hat into the ring? Why say such a thing if you never had any intention of running?

Anonymous said...

Anon 6:10. Have you read Sue's posts?

It is entirely consistent that she would announce her candidacy for Mayor on this blog and then post that she had no intention of running for public office.

The only thing that is inexplicable is her inablility to understand why readers (most of whom have no idea who George Pringle is) find her posts quite removed from reality.