Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Mountain Highway Interchange to cost $150 million

Construction for the interchange will start this year and it is hoped that local and Highway 1 traffic congestion in that area will be reduced. Improvements to the Fern Street and Dollarton interchanges are part of the plan, but will come later. The Highway bridge will not be widened or replaced and the Cut will also remain unchanged. There will be improved access to Highway 1 and to Keith Road from the new interchange, but it looks like current congestion at Mountain Highway and Highway 1 will be shifted over to the new intersection at Keith and Brooksbank. Until the Cut is widened if ever, and the (green) Highway Bridge are replaced one has to wonder if there will be only nominal changes to local and highway traffic problems.


Anonymous said...

It won't reduce traffic but might make it flow a bit better for a while. I wish Translink would focus on supplying transit. Now that will reduce traffic.

Anonymous said...

Building or widening roads and highways almost never reduces congestion. Google "induced demand". The money would be better spent on improving transit and bike routes to provide viable alternatives to driving.

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