Wednesday, December 07, 2011

The Mayor's Slate

One of the things Mayor Mussatto has shown leadership on is the introduction of Slate Politics to elections in the City of North Vancouver. In the Nov 19th 2011 City election, for the second time in a row, Darrell campaigned with a Slate ... not of just 4 ... but several. This, in hopes of taking firm control of City Hall. Slate Politics was unknown in the City until its introduction by Mayor Mussato 2 elections ago. Many slates appeared during the campaign ... The Mussato Slate, the Keating Slate, & various community based slates. None to equal the Mayor’s Slate, however. In spite of Darrell’s best efforts ... 4 truly independent voices were elected. Perhaps, the time has come for an alternative slate to arise & challenge Mayor Mussato in his quest for control of North Van City Hall. Independent thinkers need to band together & present an alternative to the Mussatoization of our City. It is a regrettable situation of Darrell’s creation & leadership.

What do you think?

Rod Clark


Anonymous said...

Totally agree Rod. Will the four voices however agree to work together? This election was a little different, in that the cupe/developer slate did not run ads together as they did in 2008. Enough of that slate trying to build their own empire. At their "victory" party the Mayor assured the unsuccessful candidates that "we'll get you in next time". Don't count on it.

Don McBain said...

Well I don't live in the City so can't vote. How about all the Anonymous that are voicing off on this? Are they in the City or the District?

Anonymous said...

During the mayor's debate, George Pringle confronted Mussatto with BC Stats data that shows the population of the city increased by 3.6%. This does not include the many projects under construction or approved. It's obvious why CUPE and the developers contributed so heavily to Mussatto's slate?

Anonymous said...

Those are estimates. Real census numbers will be along shortly.

Anonymous said...

Census Figures vs. Population Estimates

Why do the Census figures differ from the estimates of the population presented in the population pages of this web site?

The objective of every Census is to provide detailed information at a single point in time on the demographic, social and economic conditions of the population. One of its goals is to enumerate the entire population on Census Day. Inevitably, however, some people are not counted, either because their household did not receive a Census questionnaire (for example, a household living in a separate apartment in a house) or because they were not included in the questionnaire completed by the household (for example, a boarder or lodger). Some people may also be missed because they have no usual residence, and did not spend census night in any dwelling. On the other hand, a small number of people may also be counted twice (for example, a student living away from home).

To determine how many individuals were missed, or counted more than once, Statistics Canada conducts post-censal coverage studies of a representative sample of individuals. The results of these studies provide information that is used to adjust the Census counts for the purpose of producing current (quarterly and annual) population estimates, which take into account net under-enumeration in the Census.

Anonymous said...

Sorry for omitting the source of the previous post.

Anonymous said...

Eleven rezonings approved or under construction will provide 1136 new housing units in the next 12-18 months. At an estimate of l.5 persons per unit, that's a population increase of 1704.
That does not include the Onni proposal for 347 units (308,300 sq. ft.) or Harbourside which proposes 525,000 square feet of residential. Nor does it include single-family homes, duplexes, secondary suites and coach houses.

Unknown said...

BC Stats estimates usually come in lower than the final result.

What was important about I said about the 2010 estimates is that when Stats Can reports in March we will be over 50,000 and when over that point, the Act automatically adds 2 Councilors unless there is a referendum 6 months prior to the next election.

The result of hiding that information to use the "kind and friendly under 1% growth" myth is we needed that referendum during the last election. Of course, in the plans of the Vision North Van, Keating will win the prov election thus creating a byelection when they plan to hold a referendum.

Unknown said...

To the first commenter.

If there is a byelection, Leia is sure to win replacing Keating unless there is a dispute in Vision North Van since their candidate is appointed by the Party Leader (Mayor) and not elected at an open nomination meeting.

There will be a Unite North Van candidate as well as over 5 independent candidates all splitting the non-Vision NV vote.

sue lakes cook said...

Why don't you face reality George you do not stand a chance in this world of ever getting elected in the City of North Vancouver.
You also cannot state that Lia will automatically get in or that Keating will win provincially.
As the City attracts more wealthy people the chances are much greater that the Liberals and the BC Conservatives can have a strong showing, with the Liberals most likely to win Provincially.
As for the Municipal by-election, it just depends on the choices that the Municipal government makes in the next year or so. There are many people out there that came out of no where this time and there could be some really quality people that decide to run in a by-election as well.

Anonymous said...

Leia has run twice on the Mayor's slate, and twice she has lost, not because she lacks ability but because the voters of NV have not felt comfortable with Mussatto having a majority.

Those same voters will not split the vote, but will rally around one capable, independent candidate.

If Leia runs again, she is likely to be defeated for the same reason she was defeated twice before.

Unknown said...

I just did say it and I'll say it again, IF there is a byelection, Leia will win unless another past member of the Vision runs because Leia got the Mayor's nod instead of her. On a ballot:

and maybe a few first timers and candidates from the far past like you.

Everybody but Leia is fishing from the same pool. Obvious except to those who are being blind on purpose.

Unknown said...

Leia replaces Keating, there is no majority for Vision.

And the independent candidates will not rally around one person as there is no organization or local electors group that act as one team.

Anonymous said...

George, none of the alternatives to Leia should run in a by-election if there is one credible independent candidate. They should wait three years.

CNV Council Watch said...

Who defines "one credible candidate" without an authorized Local Electors Group?

It will never happen as many will think they are that "one credible candidate".

If we have a byelection, I'm running for certain. I heard at least 3 people say they would during the vote count. It is inevitable that there would be a lot more.

I expect that Amanda will be one of the regular Council Watchers along with Ivan, John and myself and a few Coalition Executives.

We will see who is there during Finance committee meetings and who is studying the budget and asking them tough questions.

If a byelection is called, we will also see people running who have to look on google where the City Hall is.

Anonymous said...

that is one freeky lookin pic you have attached to your should change it...and the other thing is who are you?

Unknown said... is my new blog.


ps and I like the "Eye on Council" pic.

sue lakes cook said...

Rod, I really think you should organize a slate with Pam and Guy, there must be some really good people that you know (such as Amanda Nichol).
I have heard there are really good people in some of the community associations as well. You three are already on council so your voices would have a lot of credibilty.

Anonymous said...

I doubt Rod even voted for Guy last time and maybe even Pam.

Anonymous said...

The slate of independant thinkers....hmmm....certainly get the irony vote.

Anonymous said...

Anon 7:01.

If a poster has a pseudonom like Anon or CNV Council Watcher then the poster wishes to remain anonymous.

Unless the poster is an aspiring politician it makes absolutely no difference who the poster is.

The content of the post - not the name of the poster is the important part.

Unknown said...

As I posted after the Council Watch comment, that is my new blog and my google was set to it when I commented.

Anonymous said...

to Anon 7:01 Dec 12
"Unless the poster is an aspiring politician it makes absolutely no difference who the poster is.

The content of the post - not the name of the poster is the important part."

The content of any one of the posts on this blog just seem to be that one person's opinion,diatribe or ranting. Knowing who the author is, whether a wannabe politician or not, would help a reader understand where the poster is coming from.

Also, how do we know that all these Anons aren't just one or two persons arguing or agreeing with him/herself to create the effect that a lot of people are interested?

Anonymous said...

Obviously, the content of each post is one person's opinion.

Knowing that person's name doesn't help tell where the person is coming from. Reading what they have to say does.

For example, you posted as Anon and I was able to tell where you were coming from.

Savour the irony.

Anonymous said...


I think you are running for Mayor and anything you are doing is after 5 or 6 trys, to get the Mayor's chair.

You lost my vote last time because of your constant flip-flops and your vote with Darryl on not enforcing the law on illegal suites.

I'd vote for Darryl if I wanted his kind of nonsense, not some guy pretending he is Darryl.

Hopefully I'll have a third person to vote for Mayor in 2014 if you wearing a fake Darryl mask.

Anonymous said...

I'm with you anonymous,but the reason for the flip flop might be closer to home for Counc. Clark than any of us realize.
